Occupational Health Services - City Ambulance

Occupational Health Services

We offer comprehensive occupational health services that include pre-employment and routine medical screening services for corporate companies especially in the oil and gas, mining, and logistics sectors.

Medical Fitness To Work

We offer a range of assessments and tests to evaluate the physical and mental health of employees and potential candidates.

Our services help employers to ensure that their workforce is fit, productive and safe. We also help employees to maintain their well-being and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses.

Our medical fitness to work and routine tests include: vision screening, drug of abuse testing, lung function testing, audiometric testing, physical examination and many others.

Medical Trainings

We provide various types of medical training for individuals and organizations who want to learn how to respond to emergencies and save lives.

Trainings include: 

Site Clinic Set Up & Management

We manage remote site/onsite clinics, deploying appropriately qualified medical personnel to different locations. We are able to support with setting it up, replenishing the consumables and overall management.

Our site clinics are equipped with advanced telemedicine technology and emergency response capabilities, ensuring the highest quality of care for our clients.